Steph got to bake victoria sponge cake at school, so be4 she got to bake she ask me to teach her first, so I teach her a few tips and when she came back with a cake she told me ,her cake is the best in the classs the teacher say . so I say tell the teacher I have a cook mummy to teach me cooking better then the teacher hahhah. teacher don't even teach them the most important tips of baking . what la
4 comments: proud of stephy
hi dear
she is learning is gud for her to learn more to cook so she wouldn't get hungry when mummy not around haha.
you should learn to cook so can teach you little pretty .hhehe.
she ar ?? useless wan lah .. ask her to cut orange oso kenot lah .. ask her to cook .. godness !
m so proud of stephy !!.. another cook in the family ...
hhaa jan are you talking about grance .
do you know each time I saw the mirowave it remind me about you .
Doi you remeber wat you trying to do with my mirowave hahahahthank you jan hahha.
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