Sunday, December 18, 2011

I pass I pass ...............

I pass my Britt driving on the 6 DEC2011
after all this years ...
I just can't believe it
it was so hard for me for the pass 8 mouths ,
without the car
walk to the bus stop
catch the bus to work with little Aden
walk to work ,
do have fun time with Aden during summer time

Now is winter
weather getting so bad and cold
I feel so sorry for little Aden need to get up early in the morning
everyday catch bus with me
thank to God
I Pass
I got my BRIT Driving License and
I go through the hard way
I win I win I win
nothing can stop me Now

Thank god blessing me
Thank to my mum who pray for me and my 2 lovely sister too
also all my dearest friend who keep me stranger
thank you all xx

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