Friday, October 21, 2011

My beautiful ORCHARD .....

All this year I spend my time to Love
all this orchard
it give a pay off ...
all those orchard blooming
make me smile ....

this one last for 3 mouths
flower had stay for very long

I got this below orchard
where it was on sale and look like dying
I bought it home
start to give her water and feed
until today it already more then 4mouths
it still keep blooming flower
i only pay for £3 :p

This orchard are very spacial to me
it bought by Stephi for my birthday last year
and becos all the feed and little water every 2 weeks
flower keep coming back to bloom never stop too :)

Leave all those beautiful orchard at the kitchen window
becos of the cooking steaming
make those orchard very happy to stay
and bloom all the time
Align Centre

this orchard is also very spacial
again bought by Stephi
on my Xmas she got me this
now is bloom again

this one is from Derek 2 years ago on my birthday
look today up to date 21/10/2011

orchard are easy to look after
less water feed give very 2 weeks once
and every week only give very little of water
the best place orchard will happy to stay is
shower room or bath room and kitchen
it will keep blooming
Promise you !


Sasha Tan said...


aiyah nonya said...

wow.. you really got green fingers. Mine went virtual lately - farmville. hahaaa....
The orchids are lovely.

pearly said...

thank Sasha xx

pearly said...

thank Sasha xx

Chen said... nice ..i hope i have this in my own home:D

pearly said...

Dear mae and Chen :

Looking after Orchard is much more easy then looking after kids just feed them every little water may be only every week once or winter time here we feed water every 2 weeks then once a mouths we feed orchard vit on time that all and there will grown like mad .

I always love orchard there can stay bloomer for mouths .
try one for yourself u will start to enjoy them
thank for visit my blog
love you all