YES ! DEVON ....... we love to go down to Devon
well long holidays break
we went to visit Mum and dad
meet up with all the brother and sister and little kids
I got to admit I do love Devon
look at the about Picture
is really lovely Green every where you go
so blue the sky and so green the field
so lucky we went on Friday afternoon
at our place is Grey and raining whole day ;(
when we arrive Devon the sky was Blue and sunny
that is wat I looking forward FOR :P
when we arrive to mum and dad home
it was already pass 6pm
we didn't go out just have diner at my In law home
then kids meet up with their cousin
Jamie and little beauty MILLY
she had grown up a lot the last see her so pretty too *sorry no picture of her .
the next day
we get up very early
WHY ???
Cos Aden get up early and wake us all up
so we bring him out for a walk for some fresh AIR

we drove around the country side
pass all those lovely field and see little young baby lamb
cow and Green green field
Then we arrive to this lovely big home
which NOW own by
The Notional trust
there having a egg hurt
Look at my 2 boys is hurting EGG

this tree is very long long years
is so lovely
XMAS deco:p
we walk around this place

Here my first out door picture with my Baby ADEN
on a very sunny day

we walk pass a very big lake
lovely view every way we go we see animal

here the tea room we can have Devon cream tea
which I enjoy the most :P
look at those lady there all dress up
Vitoria time walk around the house
they are COOK , dress maker, house keeping and ect.....

this my first time see a white PEACOCK
oh my god
she is a beauty

she walk around the whole place no bother

HE is so lovely too

I am at the front of the main house
I am so surprise to find out in side had lot of collection of antic from china
really more then 200 years old I guess
History of
Miss Rosalie Chichester
we finish walking around this place at 3pm
we got to bring my beloved daughter
to do her cloths shopping at
ATLANTIC VILLAGE all for today
more update tomorrow about our trip at Devon